ProtectingYour Rights

Firm News

Penalties for OWI in Indiana

August 12, 2020 Indiana drivers can receive charges of operating a vehicle while intoxicated with a blood alcohol content of at least 0.08% at the time of the arrest. The officer can also make an OWI arrest for obvious drug or alcohol intoxication regardless of the BAC. Individuals facing these charges should understand the possible penalties for an Indiana OWI…

DUI Charges and Depression

August 5, 2020 Many hardships arise for those facing charges for allegedly driving under the influence, such as financial penalties, adjusting to life without the ability to drive, time behind bars and problems in one’s personal relationships. However, other difficulties come up for many people, such as depression and other emotional hurdles. Unfortunately, depression gets in the way of many…

What Are Some Safety Tips for Incoming Freshman?

July 8, 2020 Starting college is a huge milestone. For many students, this is the first time they are on their own and away from home. While college campuses strive to create a safe environment, they are not immune to crime. For this reason, incoming freshmen need to be aware and alert to potential safety issues. You can help your…

Is it Possible to Remove a DUI Conviction From Your Record?

June 18, 2020 A conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol may stigmatize you for the rest of your life. After all, every time you apply for a job or try to rent a home, your conviction may show up in a criminal background check. Fortunately, you may be able to remove the DUI conviction from your record by…

How Can a DUI Affect College Students?

June 16, 2020 Indiana college students like you may not know how to handle DUI charges. For you, this might act as a first offense. You may not have any knowledge on what to do next. You may even think that a first time DUI charge is nothing to worry about. But any DUI charge can lead to a conviction.…

Drunk Driving Charges and Health Problems

May 12, 2020 Handling a DUI case is never easy, but in some cases, people facing DUI charges are in an especially difficult situation. For example, those who have serious health concerns often have an even harder time dealing with the charges and handling their case properly. If you are struggling with a health crisis, it is imperative to do…

Do Breath Test Devices Yield Accurate Results?

April 22, 2020 Law enforcement officers in Indiana and throughout the country use roadside breath tests to measure your blood alcohol content level if they pull you over on suspicion of drinking and driving. Using exhaled air, the device measures the amount of ethanol alcohol contained in the breath sample. It then converts the amount into a BAC level. Yet,…

A Plea Bargain May Reduce the Sentence for a Felony Theft Charge

April 17, 2020 Indiana’s laws classify theft as a Class A misdemeanor when the amount taken is worth less than $750. Goods or cash worth more than $750, however, can lead to a felony theft charge and result in a sentence of incarceration if convicted. An individual could spend between six months and six years in jail. Depending on the…

Are College Campuses Considered Drug-Free Zones in Indiana?

March 10, 2020 Drug crimes are one of the most common crimes to occur on campus. In Indiana, there are strict laws when it comes to drug-free zones in the state, and the penalties are severe. While you may be well aware that elementary schools and public parks are drug-free zones, you may not know that campuses are technically not…

The Most Common Campus Crimes

March 3, 2020 College life should remain centered around education and growing socially. However, there are some instances where a mistake may result in charges that put your academic future in jeopardy. Some student actions may lead to serious trouble at the college and criminal level. To avoid becoming a statistic, we have put together a list of the most…

