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Firm News

Challenges Associated With Drugged Driving

February 25, 2020 When it comes to driving or operating a motor vehicle under the influence, much of the focus is on alcohol. However, there are many other drugs that can also cause impairment. These substances are not limited to illicit drugs. There are a number of prescription and over-the-counter medications that are perfectly legal for you to take that…

Are Universities Responsible for Campus Crimes?

February 12, 2020 It is a question that arises many times whenever a student faces a security threat within campus premises. Even as adults, campus students remain the responsibility of the university, which means respective universities are responsible for ensuring security. The court, however, does not hold the campus liable for crimes that happen outside the institution. It is a…

How to Handle Computer Theft on Campus

January 24, 2020 As students move to college for the first time, safety is the main priority for students and parents alike. On college campuses, burglary is the most commonly committed crime, according to the National Center for Education Statistics. In fact, burglary constitutes for almost half of the crimes on college campuses. Theft can occur in several different ways…

Stiff Penalties for Drunk Driving in IN

January 6, 2020 One of the most amazing things about America is that there really is a state for everyone. Drive 50 miles in any direction and you may encounter a different landscape and culture of people. You may also encounter a different set of laws. Ideally, no one is driving drunk on the roads. However, if there is a…

How PTSD Can Affect a Service Member’s Custody Battle

December 17, 2019 In the military, PTSD is common. In combat, a person experiences life-threatening and high-stress situations. Indiana veterans and military service members may be dealing with life-altering PTSD. For those who served in Operation Iraqi Freedom, between 11 and 20 percent of all service members have PTSD, according to the US Department of Veterans Affairs. What does this…

How Can You Avoid a Campus DUI While Attending College?

November 30, 2019 If you are a college student in Indiana, you may understand that binge drinking and college life often go hand in hand. Recovery Worldwide notes that 50 percent of students binge drink at some point during their college career, as alcohol is more readily available and creates a major temptation for young students who want to experiment.…

What’s the Difference Between Bullying and Hazing?

October 28, 2019 Hazing is a tradition in high schools and colleges where older students make demands on incoming freshmen. These demands are often humiliating and can even be life-threatening in some instances. Very Well Family explains the differences between bullying and hazing so school staff and parents can take the proper actions to prevent potentially harmful events from occurring.…

How Can College Students Avoid Binge Drinking and DUIs?

October 14, 2019 If you plan on attending college in Indiana as a first-year student, there is a lot to look forward to, especially if you do not plan on living with your parents. You may be more than a bit curious about the party aspect of college, but make sure your curiosity does not turn into an unintentional crime,…

How Can a Campus Sex Crime Affect Me?

October 7, 2019 With heightened awareness of campus sex crimes sweeping the nation, it is important for students here in Indiana to be cognizant of their conduct on college campuses. Recent alarming data from the Chronical of Higher Education reports that the number of reported sex crimes on college campuses has more than tripled between 2001 through 2015. Of course,…

Binge Drinking on College Campuses Connected to Weight Loss

September 13, 2019 A student’s first year of college in Indiana should be an exciting one! Unfortunately, it may turn out differently for those who turn to binge drinking. Engaging in binge drinking can ruin a student’s college career and the numbers have risen in recent years. The National Center for Education Statistics releases a lengthy study of criminal trends…

